
Golden Fisio



In the context of rehabilitation, as well as in the field of prevention and training, the perfect and ideal "method" capable of solving any problem and suitable for each of us does not exist. It is always necessary to analyze in detail the context in which a problem arises and the characteristics of the person with whom one relates.

For this reason, each treatment will follow a path of its own using the method or therapeutic approach that best suits that context. The same therapy for the same problem on two different people could in fact lead to opposite results.

Our service is structured on the basis of the specific skills that each therapist has gained during their professional and training experience. We offer specialized services in different areas of rehabilitation ensuring a complete and effective care that is structured according to the needs and expectations of the patient.


Therapeutic exercise

Therapeutic Exercise represents the scientific method of programming training sessions aimed at optimizing the biomechanics of movement and maximizing Performance. Through a precise sequence of physiological, neurological, joint and muscle activation, the person is induced to improve their state of health and the execution of motor gestures. It includes strengthening exercises, motor control and proprioceptive. Therapeutic Exercise represents the modern approach of physiotherapy to movement dysfunctions. In scientific literature it is expressed as the most effective and safe method with which to work to obtain fast and lasting results.



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Pain Therapy and Medical Exercise Therapy (MET)

The integration of knowledge relating to the physiological mechanisms underlying the onset and chronicity of pain with the latest treatment methods have allowed us to develop a unique and personalized approach for the management of chronic pain. The planning and execution of the exercises according to the principles of the MET allows in fact to work on the symptomatic area but always below the pain threshold. In fact, it is always possible to find suitable exercises for the patient that allow a gradual exposure to pain and train the ability to tolerate. The goal is to introduce the concept of "Pain modulation training" which allows us to progress until it is possible to perform the exercises asymptomatically and start the "muscle training" phase.


Manual therapy

Manual Therapy consists of various mobilization and manipulation techniques, giving particular relevance to the scientific and clinical evidence of the techniques used. The objectives of this therapeutic approach are to alleviate the painful symptoms and optimize the patient's functional capacities. The different manual techniques to improve patients' conditions basically act on the mechanical aspect (joints, tendons, muscles, etc.) and in part also on the neurological aspect of the person, through which it also influences the endocrinological and metabolic aspects. Obviously, the interference on these aspects also falls on the biopsychosocial world and therefore on the person's quality of life.



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Manipulation of the connective tissue

Manipulation of the fascia is a treatment of musculoskeletal diseases through the manipulation of the connective tissue that modifies its collagen fiber texture due to muscular stress, local pathologies or periods of immobilization. The method treats the connective tissue considered a real organ-structure, a “connection” mesh present everywhere, tendons, muscles, cartilages, organs. You may have heard of "bands", which cross the whole body like a network, connecting the different parts from head to toe, from the outside to the inside. 

If the bands lose their elasticity, for example due to injuries, or due to lack or overload of movement, painful syndromes or pathologies can occur. Incorrect postures also often cause pain in the cervical area and shoulder bands. The lumbar bands are the cause of many cases of back pain that cannot be explained.

The connective tissue is rich in sense organs, over 80% of the free endings of the nerves reside there. The network is full of motion sensors and pain receptors. It also contributes to "proprioception", the ability to recognize the position of the body in space and to perceive movement even with closed eyes.

The cause of the pain therefore may not lie only in the muscles or joints. Rather, it could be linked to an alteration of the loose connective tissue of the bands, which would become unable to perform its role as a lubricant.

The method developed 40 years ago by the Italian physiotherapist Luigi Stecco searches for the points where the movements are limited or painful and the relative bands involved. The therapist identifies precise nodal points and works them with fast and intense rubs.


Kinesio taping

Kinesio Taping® is a rehabilitation technique that is based on the use of a tape made to facilitate the natural tissue healing process. It provides support and stability to muscles and joints without limiting the range of motion of the body area in which it is applied and allows the maintenance of the result obtained, with the treatment of soft tissues in one session, until the next session. It can be used to treat a wide range of orthopedic, neuromuscular, neurological and lymphatic conditions in both pediatric and geriatric patients. Kinesio Taping® not only offers the patient the support they need, but is a real rehabilitation tool useful for treating the patient from the acute phase to the completion of functional rehabilitation.

  • Re-educate the neuromuscular system

  • Reduce pain and inflammation

  • Improve performance

  • Prevent injuries

  • Improve circulation

  • Accelerate healing times


Lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage, or "manual lymphatic drainage" (DLM) is a particular type of massage practiced in areas of the body with an excessive reduction in lymphatic circulation and a stagnation of fluid. The main effects directly involve both the lymphatic system, consisting of vessels, lymph nodes and organs that improve their physiological capacity for lymph transport and processing, and, indirectly, other systems of the human body, such as the immune and nervous systems.

Specifically, the following benefits are recognized:

  • Anti-edematous effects, to be exploited in case of lymphedema resulting from surgical operations or trauma (for example in case of ankle sprain)

  • Healing and regenerating effects, useful in the tissue healing phase or in senescence

  • Analgesic and immune effects, ideal in the treatment of chronic diseases of the upper airways or skin diseases such as acne

  • Relaxing effects on the nervous system, for use in stress management



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Classic massage

The massage is mainly used as a preventive measure or as a remedy against pathologies or dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system. The classic massage works by relaxing or toning the muscles, warming it up before doing a sport or de-straining it in the next phase. Reduces recovery times after intense workouts or injuries, treats back pain and stiff neck, headache and fatigue. It is useful in case of tears, strains, witch blows and many other pains. It improves circulation, helps the drainage of body fluids and even the intestine benefits from a massage.

The classic massage pursues the direct approach, since it aims directly at the area of ​​action, even if, in reality, its beneficial effects extend beyond the treated area, restoring the patient's overall psychophysical balance.


Corrective gymnastics

The corrective exercise is a complete method, capable, first of all, of taking into consideration every single characteristic of the individual and, only later, applying a type of training on it aimed at achieving the intended objective, whether it be competitive nature, with professional and sports athletes, rehabilitation, rehabilitation, re-athletic or, more simply, the achievement of psychophysical well-being. The physiotherapist performs a precise kinesiological analysis, and has the opportunity to intervene with the most appropriate modern supports, re-educating and rebalancing postural homeostasis. Evaluation and data collection are fundamental elements on which to pay attention, considering the factors and taking control measures.

With corrective gymnastics in particular we intervene on the treatment and prevention of paramorphisms and dysmorphisms such as dorsal hyperkyphosis, lumbar hyperlordosis and scoliosis.



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Postural gymnastics

Postural Gymnastics has become one of the most requested activities in recent years. The term posture identifies a muscle tone and a skeletal attitude, which have the task of keeping the human organism in a state of equilibrium both in static and dynamic conditions, respecting its physiological curves, the alignment of all subsystems and researching the correct balance, which allows the stability of the entire system subjected to different types of force that continually alter its posture. Having or maintaining a correct posture is a necessary condition for the well-being of our body whatever the activity carried out, it will therefore be necessary to regularly perform postural exercises to achieve a condition of real psycho-physical well-being. Postural activity is a means of preventing alterations in the body structure (paramorphisms), morphological disharmonies and alterations in motor patterns, as well as education in correct movement.