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Golden Ergo

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The occupational therapy service can boast valuable experience in the rheumatology, orthopedic and cognitive fields, which primarily concerns the elderly.

It has long been recognized that the Swiss population is aging. For this reason we have worked to concentrate the skills useful to support and improve all aspects of daily life that concern a large percentage of patients who need a particular approach and knowledge in order to accompany them comprehensively and professionally to their deserved quality of life.



To achieve this goal we have structured the following services:

  • Functional and specific assessments of the upper limb

  • Habitat assessments and any environmental changes

  • Cognitive and functional assessments of the patient's abilities

  • Upper limb rehabilitation and functional recovery of the hand

  • Family management and placement for the restoration of personal autonomy

  • Motivational coaching to achieve the chosen goals

  • Involvement of the socio-therapeutic network aimed at patient support

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Golden Fisio also offers a flexible home physiotherapy service