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Golden Fisio

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The physiotherapy service is the result of our experience and expertise. We use various rehabilitation techniques to solve painful problems affecting the musculoskeletal system and manage postural rehabilitation programs. Thanks to manual therapy and therapeutic exercises, we guide the patient in the post-operative or post-traumatic recovery path.



Our service is structured on the basis of the specific skills that each therapist has gained during their professional and training experience. We offer specialized services in different areas of rehabilitation ensuring a complete and effective care that is structured according to the needs and expectations of the patient.



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In the context of rehabilitation, as well as in the field of prevention and training, the perfect and ideal "method" capable of solving any problem and suitable for each of us does not exist. It is always necessary to analyze in detail the context in which a problem arises and the characteristics of the person with whom one relates. For this reason, each treatment will follow a path of its own using the method or therapeutic approach that best suits that context. The same therapy for the same problem on two different people could in fact lead to opposite results.



Physiotherapy management involves the integration of different METHODS AND APPROACHES with physical therapies or with special tools such as neuromuscular percussion devices and hooks for myofibrolysis. The rehabilitation process hardly makes use of these treatments exclusively, even if they nevertheless offer an important contribution in the management of pain and inflammation, especially in cases where restrictions or inability to move are foreseen, such as in the presence of fractures or in the outcome of surgical interventions.



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Golden Fisio also offers a flexible home physiotherapy service